#1 By: Tristan Copley Smith, November 14th, 2013 10:42
In preparation for our Kickstarter release next Spring, we're looking for collaborators in the Southern Hemesphere - ie. Southern Australia, South America, or Southern Africa to build and test our hives ASAP. These parts of the world are currently in Spring, which is the right time to be implementing new colonies.
Please share this post with any people or groups you might know in these parts of the world.
Anyone interested, please leave a comment below or contact the project via hello[at]opensourcebeehives[dot]net.
Many thanks!
#2 By: Robyn Gibbons, March 30th, 2014 21:31
Hello from South Australia,
Im Robyn ..... And we love bees and are aware of their importance ....
I have suggested to my cherubs that we have a bee hive in our back yard to watch their beehavior as well as enjoy some of their honey.
I have just now been scrolling and found this upon Facebook and have been viewing your website. Spring has past, although we are still interested in assisting you for this project.
I have seen a demonstration recently from the Fab Lab Adelaide, thinking that this would be a great opportunity to have a Colorado bee hive made from your sites instructions, just gotta locate it, or is it available after the 10th April?? Pretty sure i read that correctly.
I look forward to hearing from you about this as we are super keen and excited to be a part of this project.
Warm Regards, Robyn xx
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