Sensor Kits
trizcs — 2014-09-12T17:30:44-04:00 — #1
Research, Share, Explain
We are investigating durable, cost effective and accurate sensors appropriate for placing within a beehive. Please document any temperature sensor research below.
keitharaneo — 2014-10-01T12:25:28-04:00 — #2
a basic CMOS sensor use differnt polymer coatings that react to different levels of humidity. the problem with these systems is that the polymers degrade over time. The SHT11 sensor are $35, really small, waterproof, and pretty easily integrated. if the sht11 isn't a good choice senserion makes a bunch of different temp/humidity sensors.
markbuiford — 2014-10-02T17:42:15-04:00 — #3
Are off-the-shelf sensors of interest here? I have been working with some $79 Monnit sensors that track both humidity and temperature. The developers on my team say they have a pretty decent API - iMonnit Rest API information - I've had one at home for a few months outside the hive and just ordered another to put in my hive soon.
aaronm — 2014-10-02T23:31:46-04:00 — #4
@markbuiford Welcome to the forums Mark. The Monnit is interesting - stay tuned for more information on temperature and humidity monitoring - look for that in the next week or so - we'll have solid metrics on performance. Please continue to post ideas, because we are always interested in optimizing our component selection.
dgrc — 2015-10-28T10:40:03-04:00 — #5
I've just started prototyping a temperature and humidity monitor using a DHT22 sensor and arduino. i'm trying to get the probe "weatherized" and in the hive for an over winter (Minnesota) durability test. Progress is documented here
So far, so good for a very preliminary, short-term test.