#1 By: Eric Renn, October 25th, 2013 18:58
I would like to connect as many people in the U.S. as possible. Today, I am traveling from Seattle, WA to Atlanta, GA where I will be attending a mini Maker Faire. While there I will be meeting with the group that represents the Georgia Tech Urban Honeybee Project. Please see: http://bees.gatech.edu/projects.
Students are investigating where bees find food on the Georgia Tech campus using GIS technology. Photos of bee-flower interactions are taken with GPS-enabled cameras, allowing us to capture date, time, plant species, bee species, and coordinates for each interaction. Students then use this data to generate foraging models. To see some of the photos and a map of the interactions on campus visit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/95349061@N06/sets/72157634212610035/
Where else are collaborators needed?
#2 By: Tristan Copley Smith, October 28th, 2013 22:31
Hey @erenn6 - we'd love to hear more about this project - could you please share your results in the forum?
What is the goal of this research, and how will you use your findings?
Many thanks,
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