CNC Fabrication Support
mnealon — 2015-06-04T16:17:07-04:00 — #1
Trying to get a CTB 6.1 cut here in the Netherlands. The company I am trying to use says that he can only use an 8mm bit and that there are several cuts that seemingly require a 4mm bit. He says that he can only use an 8mm bit.
Has anyone else experienced this? What size bit is expected to be used?
southwestcnc — 2015-06-12T03:17:41-04:00 — #2
He is most likely trying to remove the material in a single pass.. He is correct that doing it that way requires a bit larger than 4mm due to the thickness as a 4mm bit would most likely deflect too much and snap.
However i regularly use 1/4" bits on ply with no problem what so ever so a little extreme to say he needs to use an 8mm.
Once the 8mm or 1/4inch bit has contoured the part, as long as the tabs/tags or vacuum bed/double-sided tape are good enough to hold the part in place a 4mm bit could be used in a second operation called rest machining to remove the fillets left behind by the larger bits.
Hope this helps.
kristof — 2015-06-29T17:14:24-04:00 — #3
I had three hives produced in Bemmel in the Netherlands, they used a 6mm bit. at feijenSP, for 160 Euro. they know the drill, it would be a good idea to go there.
mnealon — 2015-07-02T07:18:08-04:00 — #4
I might do that next time. Just got my first one back on Monday.